Friday, 14 May 2010

The mysteries of the French way of life (Parking)

sorry to write about a subject so boring but on our road in St Michel we have the sign you see in our picture. There is of course only one sign because there are four entrances to the road. It means that you may park in the road but on the side and dates as indicated by the sign. What a good idea you say. This means that each side of houses gets a fair share of people parking outside their doors which is quite correct. Except of course that you don't actually follow the instruction, that would be far to easy. On the 16th we arrived back to an empty road so parked on the side of the road as indicated on the sign. An hour later there was a knock at the door to tell us we were causing a blockage and lo and behold, there were 5 other cars parked on the alternate side of the road and the traffic chicaning around our car. But why? we asked, only to be told that there had been some road works and no parking was allowed so we were making up days!!!
We relented and moved. We parked on that side until the first of May. On May the first, which was a bank holidy even though it was a Saturday, we decided to keep an eye out and move the car when the majority parked on the other side. They didn't.
Sunday morning came and bedlam. The parking fairy had moved all the cars overnight except the white mondeo estate with english plates which was now parked on the wrong side and causing a jam of M25 proportions. I would point out that we are in an area of France where a traffic jam of any sort is likely to be reported on the local TV news and will certainly make the local press. There is a bakery opposite and you may well know that parking rules do not apply around bakeries. It does not matter how you park your car if you need bread. Whilst a quick run in to the bakers perhaps wouldnt cause too much upheaval, you have to remember that every driver has to stop and either shake hands or kiss all of the other drivers. passers by, people that are now hooting them and anybody else that happens to be within 100 metres.
But back to my photo, taken today the 14th. I don't know if the fairies have told people to move early, if we are still making up time owed to our neigbours "en face" or if the sign was placed in the wrong street all those years ago. I do know we are all parked on the wrong side and that come the 16th we will move again---or will we?

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