As I am officially the first guest of I+J (sorry Laurie but you don't count)I am also the first official guest blogger. Here goes!!
For anyone who doesn't know I am I's sister. I offered to come and help them get ready for the grand opening which is now extremely close. Having been here for a week there are many things I could write about;the Mayor with the hair and Mutton- The sexy Baker - The Champion fly swatter - The night nature trails - Kissing strange men - Father Christmas who invited us all to a BBQ at his Grotty (slip of the tongue or should I say fingers it should be Grotto) Laurie and I decided that we should let I+J build international relations without us - a decision that we don't regret in the slightest.Picking them up p***** was enough. I could also write about J getting her fanny out every night - but have decided to let you ponder that one. I am sure all will be revealed at a later date...
I have chosen to blog about one of my favourite pastimes Shopping.
Sunday afternoon after a delicious lunch of moules frites in St Romain J+I took me to a BROCANTE. For anyone who doesn't know this is a car boot,French style. I as always saw the business potential and spent his time leafleting every car within a mile radius of the area. J and I set off in search of bargains. I haven't been to many car boot sales in England but I would say that at home 75% of the items are saleable and 25% should go straight in the bin. Well at a BROCANTE its reversed with 75% only fit for the Dechetterie (dump) and I must say these figures are generous! The French don't seem to be at all embarrassed about selling - cracked pottery, chipped glasses,bottle tops,rusty old tools, books that disintegrate if you breath near them,broken jewellery and my favourite item of the day a bargin at 50 cents a rusty nail file. Despite having to search through all this crap J and I soldiered on determined to find a bargin. As we wondered past the last few stalls I returned (perfect timing) and pointed out a familiar face The sexy baker's girlfriend.
There is an uncanny resemblance
Let me paint the picture the baker's girlfriend is a mature woman who clearly enjoys the bakers buns. She was dressed in a chic scarecrow style outfit topped off with a large, slightly squashed straw hat.Her only accessory a small grey poodle who is obviously greatly loved. We stop and say bonjour and J+I have a friendly chat (bonjour is my limit I am afraid). As they are chatting the little poodle is happy to try and trip us up by wandering round and round on it's expendable lead. After a short while we say au revoir as we turn to go we cannot help but notice the poodle having a grande poo in the middle of the walk way between the stands. Six eyes are focused on the steaming pile wondering what she will do. Amazingly she dips a hand into her pocket and walks over to the spot, we all breathe a sigh of relief and J and I are happy that she will scoop the poop. Slowly she bends over lowers her hand and wipes the dogs backside.The poo is left for an unsuspecting foot.UNBELIEVABLE!!
On a final note it's nearly time for me to go home. Its hard to believe that in such a quiet place there is so much to talk about. I+J have worked really hard and I have had a great week here. I look forward to returning when they are ouvert.
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