Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Laurie's Blog with comments from the editor in brackets
(the views of this blogger may not be the views of the editor )

It was the 4th of July when my journey begun; although I have driven in France before this would be the first time that I had been on my own. Understandable nobody wanted to spend 8 hours with me in a car,(or not with the windows closed anyway). It was just me and Henry the hoover. After arriving in Calais my journey starts, having brought a map of France just in case "I's" directions got me lost (as if!!!). I was feeling pretty confident that it would be a nice smooth trip down. It wasn't until 380 miles and with only 40 to go did it all goes wrong; no clear sign of the direction I'm meant to be heading, I drive round Poitiers for twenty minutes before giving up and calling for better directions.( try following the direction!!) You might think it ends there but no another 30 miles and one final call. As I arrive into Champniers village there looks to be a farmer strolling along with his herd of cows, no actually its "I" come to meet me (looking tanned , fit and french) .

As we arrive at the bar I realise the size of the property is much bigger than I imagined from the pictures I had seen. They dont do it justice.
A beer in hand, we're off on a quick tour of the place and a description in each room of what needs to be done. A big list and EVERY room.

Over the next few weeks one room is transformed. Tea breaks come at regular intervals, "J" and "I" both come to inspect with smiles and praises, conformation that they should have gone to specsavers before leaving. The decorating goes on

I coped at first but after a few days the flies start to really get on your nerves, trying to cut into a ceiling whilst several flies are tickling the backs of your legs, honestly the most frustrating thing ever. Not to worry this wouldn't last long as my next task would be to get the fly swatter and go on a killing spree.( see earlier blog)

After finding the dart board that has been hidden in the main room and after a few days of hinting, well moaning, the board is erected and the competions begin.
( he plays frequently, I play almost never so I let him win rather than upset him)

"I" and "J" took early leads in the evening boules competitions but after a few games and a change of luck, thanks "J", the wins just kept coming. With the arrival of Moira, the game changes to teams, new rules, different tactics same results, and "J" and myself take a healthy lead. Athough I may suggest it was due to his patner; i think we would all agree "I" just didn't turn up. ( again,you have to let the kids win or they sulk!!) With each nights series of games ending as the sun falls, every walk home brings a new route and a little nature hunt, but you'll have to go to find out what for.

As the days tick by it seems like everyone is working as hard as they can but things just dont seem to be pushing on. The volume of the tasks ahead begins to hit home. So a few ideas and lists are made, each person has allocate jobs and a day when they have to to done. One by one jobs are crossed off, but with every ten that come off, five more are added. Will we ever finish the list?

Five days to go before opening and we have all called some time out; a day to chill out have some fun and enjoy just one of the attractions that the area has to offer. It is decided to go to the Vallee of the Singe. (valley of the monkeys )

you walk in not really knowing what to expect and then see the first group of monkeys three foot away from you, no cages, and free to do as the please. Just three rules, no feeding, no touching and funny enough no grabbing their tails. Well of course if an opportunity arises of course I would have to touch one and after four different area's finally a lemur that likes people. :-). For all those people that have been called a little monkey or have called someone a little monkey; please have a look and the french version, ouistiti pygmee, it will give you a new meaning to "a little monkey".

It was Thursday before opening arrives and it's time to lose one member of staff, time for "M" to go home for a holiday. Left on my own, my list is smashed to bist as one job after the other is completed. After a late arrival home from "I" and "J", my list consisting now of only one item soon grows, ten new things to do. Funny enough "I's" list seems to be going down at a rapid rate and he's not even here, ummmmmm ??????.

Saturday morning and the previous days worries are clear to see, to be honest none of us are sure what the day will bring, one smart arse (Laurie), predicting a busy afternoon. The official event goes smoothly; I could hear lots of noise, just the forty french people talking and every so often an english word, then all of a sudden quiet, and it's empty. Over the next cople of hours the first customers arrive and with that, the first food order. I have been the taste dummy for I's cooking, and not always very good ! This order was a selection of lunches and suprisingly they were easily, calmly cooked, plated and served. The intial orders completed with sucess. With every new arrival a twenty minute chat it's not long till "I" and "J"realise that there is no way that they can talk to everyone, as customers flood into the bar. Before they realise there were easily fifty poeple out the front. Panic as there are no tables and chairs left. Luckily the had little helpers on hand (laurie, jan terry) to retrieve the tables and chairs that we thought would never be needed again and a few days before had been stored away, little did we know.

The till was in full action and "J" has been kept busy but with every demi and now the introduction of spirts and liquors. The fear and frowns that once was on the face of "J" had turned into a smile. "I" has had a steady cooking schedule with odd meal orders arriving. Then suddendly an order of seven meals and five different dishes. From once, a stoned faced man with no emotion, a moment to remeber as his eyes widen and his jaw dropped. (WTF) The intial panic sets in, it doesn't last long as I'm sure the days at MFI come flooding back;

Step one : Inital Contact, find out what the custmer wants and how they would like each of they products.
StepTwo : Anaylise the informaiton you have been given to achieve the necessary requirements of the customer.
Step Three : Plan and Presentation.
Step Four : Delivery your product to the customer and await response.

Well the seven plates arrived back empty, the customers order more drinks and smiles all round, who says MFI training was a waste of time. ( if it had been MFI, jeanne would most probably have given then 50% off plus an extra 20% plus a deal. We wouldnt have made any money but would have "taken them out of the market" and the salesperson would still have been paid)

On That note I will say good bye from France and wish "I" and "J" the best of luck in the future and will look forward to seeing them later in the year.

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