Saturday, 28 August 2010

A wedding in town

Our village has two tourist attractions locally, apart from our bar. There is the Valley du Singe already blogged about and Le Vieux Cormenier which is a museum of life in the early 1900's in rural France.
Visitors to the museum are shown among other things, films of life in those times and this weekend a new film was being filmed in the church. This was a wedding scene.
We first found about it when the car park filled up with what looked like a coach load of Amish followed by a cart horse and old style cart.
The filming took place in and around the church and then the "bride and groom" were filmed riding through the village in the cart whilst the extras cheered and waved them on.

Following their exertions all of the cast and film crew came to the bar for the traditional wedding toast. It must have been a strange sight for passers by seeing a couple of dozen throwbacks from the 1900s sitting on the terrace drinking cold Kro.

They say that women love weddings and there was a crowd of onlookers as the filming went ahead, but not J, she wasnt interested, You may spot the reason from the photo

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